Thursday 22 September 2011


This skill, along with shooting, is the fun part of basketball for most players and we see many young players copying their NBA idols with all types of  ball work but so often they have not been taught that. There are only two reasons to dribble the ball, firstly it is used to penetrate the ball (toward the basket) and secondly to create a better passing angle.
The execution of the dribbling technique is quite simple, it is the action of pushing the ball to the floor by using the extended fingers and thumb which wrap around the ball on contact and by moving the wrist and the elbow up then down. You should learn how to dribble with both hands as it will be helpful in a game. There are two basic types of dribble, a control dribble and a speed dribble. The control dribble is used to take the ball into open spaces between defenders and the speed dribble is used to move the ball quickly down the court toward the basket in which the team scores.

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