Wednesday 28 September 2011


This is the focal point of the game for many players, most spectators and some coaches and for
these people shooting is what wins games. Of course students of the game realise that there are other key factors that help win games such as good skill execution and good teamwork in offence, agressive deffence, understanding and reading the game. Therefore it makes sense to get the ball in the hands of the scorers most of the time. All players should know their shooting range, and the type of shots they can score with. A player shoud learn and practise reguarly all different types of shots used in the game of basketball so that when needed he makes the right decision on what type of shot to use.
Shooting Technique- The feet should be pointed at the target, and spread apart for balance, knees must be bent for more power on the release with your elbow under the ball pointing at the basket. Have your shooting hand under the ball with your fingers and thumb spread wide and gripping onto the ball.

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